Thursday, December 1, 2011

Improve Children's Confidence

It takes confidence to be children. Do go to a new school or stepping up to bat for the first time, children face a lot of uncharted territory.
Naturally, parents want to instill can-do attitude in their children so that they would dare to face the new challenges and, from time to time, to believe in themselves. While every child is a little different, parents can follow some general guidelines for building self-confidence of children.
Self-confidence comes from a sense of competence. In other words, the children develop self-confidence not because parents tell them they're great, but because of their achievements, big and small. Sure, it's good to hear encouraging words from mom and dad. But words of praise mean more when they refer to the child's special efforts or new abilities.
When children achieve something, whether it be brushing their own teeth or riding a bike, they get a sense of themselves as able and capable, and which utilizes a high-octane fuel of confidence.
Build self-confidence can begin very early. When babies learn to turn the pages of a book or toddlers learn to walk, they get the idea "I can do it!" With every new and important skills, children can develop self-confidence increased.
Parents can help by giving children many opportunities to practice and master their skills, letting kids make mistakes and be there to boost their morale so that they keep trying. Responding to the interest and excitement when kids show off new skills, and reward them with praise when they achieve the goal or make a good effort.
With abundant opportunities, good instruction, and lots of patience from parents, children can master the basic skills - like tying their shoes and make beds. Later, when other important challenges present themselves, children can approach them knowing that they have been successful in other areas.

Depression in Children

Depression is not just bad moods and occasional melancholy. It not only feel disappointed or sad, either. These feelings are normal in children, especially during adolescence. Even when major disappointments and setbacks make people feel sad and angry, negative feelings usually decrease with time.
But when a state of depression, or mood, stay alive for a long time - weeks, months, or even more - and to limit one's ability to function normally, it can be diagnosed as depression.
Types of depression include: major depression, dysthymia, adjustment disorder with depressed mood, seasonal affective disorder, and bipolar disorder or manic depression. All of these can affect children and adolescents.
Major depression is a serious condition characterized by sad mood constantly, feelings of worthlessness or guilt, and inability to feel pleasure or happiness. Major depression usually disrupt the day-to-day functioning like eating and sleeping.
A child with major depression feels depressed almost every day. In children, depression can appear as a "bad mood" or irritability that persist for a long time, even if the child is admitted to be sad.
Dysthymia may be diagnosed if sadness or irritability is not as severe but continues for a year or more. Children with dysthymia often feel "down in the dumps." They may have low self esteem, feel hopeless, and even have trouble sleeping and eating.
Unlike major depression, dysthymia does not greatly affect the day-to-day functioning but "down mood" is part of the world wide child. However, at least 10% of those with dysthymic disorder go on to develop major depression.
Bipolar disorder, another type of mood disorder, characterized by episodes of low-energy depression (sadness and hopelessness) and high-energy mania (irritability and emotional outbursts). Bipolar disorder may affect as many as 1% to 2% of the children. More than 2 million adults have bipolar disorder, which often develops in late adolescence and early adulthood.
Studies in children are not comprehensive, but experts believe that children and adolescents with bipolar disorder can experience a number of problems, including attention deficit disorder, oppositional behavior disorders, anxiety, and irritability in addition to changes in mood from depression to mania.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Development of the Emotions in Children

Emotions play an important role in people's lives. Each form of emotions basically made life more enjoyable, because emosilah child will feel the vibrations of feelings in themselves and others. Since the baby is born, his emotions develop gradually through interaction with their parents, and also with others in their environment. The months and the first years of a child's life is important and vulnerable period in a child's emotional development. If the parents are less aware of the importance of relationships and attitudes kualtias loving during this time, the child may experience various problems and serious emotional disturbances in the future. Conversely, if the child's emotional needs are met in a balanced way in the beginning. Life, later on he will develop into a happy individual and is expected to realize its potential optimally.

One cause of emotion in children include affective, affective bias in layman also called compassion. Affection is a feeling of warmth, a sense of friendship and sympathy directed at another person. Usually the kids happy on those who also loved it. Affective bias is also addressed in animals or objects. This sometimes happens as a substitute for affection towards another individual. 

Everyone has a need for a member and receive aefeksi. When most penging in the fulfillment of affection kebuhan adalan in childhood. When both parents died, probably affective needs are not met. Affective deficiency also occurs, if the parent refuses the child. Conversely, children who reject their parents, whether in shame or assume the parents are not able to meet kebutuhnannya, can also lead to lack of affection.  

Therefore, the rejection of the child causing the child-parent relationships become strained and deter parents to give affections. Research shows a lack of affection in infancy and children can harm their development. Bias in the form of the disorder:

• Physical development is too late.
• Delays in motor development, such as sitting, standing and walking. 
• Stuttering or speech impaired.
• Difficulty concentrating and easily distracted.
• It is difficult to learn how to build relationships with others.
• They often appear aggressive and mischievous.
• Lack of interest in others, withdrawn, self-centered and demanding.
• The level can result in severe mental disorders.

Lack of affection can indeed interfere with the adjustment and social development of children, but that does not mean that excessive affection would be better individuals have too much affection will be mengalalami difficulties in adjustment. Too much affection from parents also have another effect, that children tend to concentrate his affections on one or two people. This is dangerous because the child will feel insecure and anxious when the person does not exist.


Anxious (Anxiety) 

Anxiety is the fear of something unknown, which often lasts a long time. Usually this fear and anxiety accompanied by allegations of impending bad things like accidents, death and so on.In children, the anxiety usually occurred when she was about 3 years. The form can be worried about losing the love of parents, anxious to experience pain, anxiety because they feel different from others, or experienced something unpleasant. At the age of 2-6 years, thought about the dangers of real or in his imagination alone is often a source of anxiety. Symptoms can be seen from the anxiety of the child may be restless, parry, sleeplessness, nightmares, difficulty eating, indigestion, difficulty breathing and tics.Highly anxious children are often less popular, less creative and less able than other children his age berjaul. They are impressionable, timid and stiff. Kosep he was very bad and very dependent on adults. When he was angry his anger is usually not stated openly. As a result of anxiety, the child's ability and potential of children often do not function optimally.

Pain Causes Anxiety

The main cause of anxiety is the lack of a sense of security. Sources that cause insecurity in children, namely:
  • Parents or teachers who are not consistent. This makes the child feel dpat life as unpredictable and frightening.
  • Parents who are too demanding perfection on children's achievement.
  • The absence of clear limits or rules of the parents, which may and may not, which one is bad and good. Concerns arise because the child does not limit itself in determining dpat behave.
  • Excessive criticism from parents or other adults and peers.
  • Often the child is reminded of the duties and responsibilities when he grew up.

Besides the lack of a sense of security, the things that cause feelings of anxiety are:

  • Feeling guilty. This is usually because the child imagine that he will receive punishment.
  • Model of the parents. Parents are often anxious to have children who are anxious because children learn from their parents how the old man look at life in general.
  • Frustration continued. Too often experience frustration can lead to anger and anxiety. Perhaps this is because the target is too high so that the child is difficult to achieve the goal. Feelings of inadequacy is the cause of anxiety.


  • Increase understanding and problem solving. Understand about ourselves. Others, and everything is good business to prevent anxiety. Knowing "what causes what" will also help. For that parents need to explain the child's language.
  • The degree and sense of security and confidence. Peek-ba game time baby will practice tolerance towards child lost a parent. Gradually the child will gradually learn to solve problems that menibumlkan anxiety.
  • Receiving a fair fantasy. Children are often afraid of their fantasies about death, giant, monster, or strange events. Many children are embarrassed to tell her fear apda parents. If the parents explained that the thoughts and fantasies are normal, the child will feel more calm and willing to tell his fears.


  • Appease. Anxious children need to be reassured by a calm adult. Therefore, parents should remain calm, when the kids restless, cranky, crying, pale or panic. Children will feel safe, cared for and not when anxiety blamed for behavior that looks stupid.
  • Trying to distract children from the things or images that caused concerns.
  • Urging kids not to give an explanation. Urging parents often make the child feel understood.
  • Invite your child to do the relaxation. Before the relaxation, the child should be introduced on the things that made him anxious. With a deep breath, exhale slowly, saying "Calm down", or "everything will be fine," the child has committed the easiest relaxation.
  • Doing things that are soothing, like listening to music, draw, or read when feeling anxious.
  • Allowing children to express their feelings through play or story.
  • Ask an expert when it dragged on a child's anxiety.