Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Development of Motor Skills in Children

The growth process of a child's motor skills are called motor development. In general, motor development can be divided into two parts, namely gross motor and fine motor skills.

These motor skills are developed basically in line with the maturity of nerve and muscle. So that it can be said, any movement of a child, anything as simple as it is actually a result of a complex pattern interakasi of various parts and systems of the body controlled by the brain, because of the maturity of each child are not always the same, then the development of a child with others may be different. There are children who can walk when he was 10 months, for example, while the other children in the age of 13 months.

The first five-year period is a golden period for motor development of children. This is because at this age the child is still very flexible and easily routed. Coupled with such pleasure to explore and mengnel no fear, then all movement will be taught to children perceived as a fun game.Various benefits can be obtained son when he was more skilled control motor movements. In addition to getting a healthy body condition as well as children move around, he also became more independent and self percara. Child more confident in doing everything as conscious of his physical abilities. 

Children who have good motor development, usually also have a positive social skills. They would love to play with friends because it can offset the movement of peers, such as jump-jump and romp.One of the motor skills that most clearly marks the advent of independence a child is walking. Now, kids can go anywhere they like without any help or guidance you need. Generally, at the age of 10-12 months, the baby had begun to walk, though there are some new babies can walk at the age of 16 months.  

This does not mean that the baby can quickly run more clever than the relatively slower infant barjalan. Every child has a basically different developmental rate. So the child could have a slow walk, faster in the development of speech.Before the walk, in fact the baby had passed a long training process. Began when he studied looked up in the prone position to train the nerves and muscles of the neck and abdomen. Then fitted with a leg muscle exercises when he learned to crawl.

Over infant activity typically begins by climbing, holding on to furniture. When the self-confidence began to appear to move freely, he tried to control his balance by making a step or two short. At first, of course, the baby will have ups and downs it has not mastered the balance. Until finally he could step and walk straight.Some parents stimulate their babies walk with the help of assistive devices, such as wheel chairs.  

This tool basically train the baby's feet to tread, in addition to regulate the balance of the body. With the tool, usually a baby feel more secure, so that would indirectly increase her confidence to learn to walk.However, there is another opinion which says that the tools will reduce and even stop crawling which is important for the development of motor creativity.Separated from the second opinion above, with or without assistive devices, to keep in mind the parents are not forcing the child to walk before he has a ready both physically and psychologically. Coercion only make the child depressed and lazy practice. Actually, of space and your trust is a highly coveted child support.

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